Mission Possible: Empowering Institutions with Strategies for Change

HOT OFF THE PRESS!  In the most recent AACU Peer Review just released (Spring 2014, Vol. 16, No. 2) our AIM Network colleagues, Jasna Jovanovic and Mary Armstrong, share the results of their ADVANCE PAID grant to explore the impact of ADVANCE grant efforts for women of color. “As majority women now move forward in STEM fields at a pace exceeding that of women of color, the need to understand this disparity and find successful ways to support URM women in STEM […]

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Institute for Womens Policy Research: Accelerating Change for STEM Women Faculty of Color

Accelerating Change for Women Faculty of Color in STEM:  Policy, Action, and Collaboration By Cynthia Hess, Ph.D., Barbara Gault, Ph.D., and Youngmin Yi Did you know that Women of color are only 5.7 percent of those with STEM doctorates who are assistant, associate, or full professors at four-year colleges, universities, and affiliated centers and institutes, but they are 15 percent of the working-age population in the United States. In contrast, white men with STEM doctorates are 58 percent of assistant, […]

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For Black Kids in America, a Degree Is No Guarantee

This is an important article, especially for women of color advocates and allies!~  A new study shows that African-American college graduates face unemployment rates nearly twice as high as others with the same education.

Diverse Issues in Higher Education

Maybe We’re Not so Smart: Identifying Subconscious Bias and Micro-aggressions in Academia, by Ming Shi Trammel, Ph.D. and Marcia Gumpertz, Ph.D. In the fall of 2009, we excitedly kicked off our program that would help to diversify our university professoriate and to change the campus climate to become more welcoming and inclusive toward women and minority faculty. Being a diverse pair of women ourselves, a Black Christian and a White Jewish Humanist, what could go wrong? A whole lot! As […]

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National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity–Post AIM Network Meeting Website!!

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity–Post AIM Network Meeting Website!! Thank you, Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore!  We had a fabulous meeting on re-thinking mentoring.  Please check out the mentoring resources provided to us through the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity!

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Korman & Goodwin Response to Williams & Ceci (2015): Don’t Throw Out those Equity Training Materials Just Yet.

Kudos to Korman and AIM Network colleague, Goodwin, for their recent In Mind Blog post in response to Williams and Ceci’s (2015) Proceedings from the National Academy of Science publication entitled, “National Hiring Experiments Reveal 2:1 Faculty Preference for Women in STEM Tenure Track.“ Korman and Goodwin (2015) note: By presenting lifestyle information explicitly, Williams and Ceci (2015) have conducted an impressive and tightly controlled study in which they show that women can be favored in hiring, provided that all other things are equal. …But once we introduce […]

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