Sensemaking about Why Faculty Leave: Policy Impact on Faculty Outside Offers
Check out Kerry Ann O’Meara, Ph.D. and her colleague’s latest work on policy impact and faculty outside offers: “Half-Way Out: How Requiring Outside Offers to Raise Salaries Influences Faculty Retention and Organizational Commitment,” and “To Heaven or Hell: Sensemaking about Why Faculty Leave.” Kerry Ann will discuss this work at the next AIM Network monthly meeting (Tuesday, February 10, 2015) in a presentation entitled: Stop, Don’t, Go, Please: Retention and How our Policies & Work Environments Shape it.
Kerry Ann is Co-PI and Co-Director of the University of Maryland’s ADVANCE IT grant. KerryAnn’s recent work has focused on the retention and advancement of women faculty, faculty professional growth, reform of promotion and tenure systems, and organizational practices that advance engaged scholarship and equity in faculty workload. Her research has been widely published, appearing in the Journal of Higher Education, Review of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education Journal, and Handbook for Higher Education Research among other venues.
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