Institute for Womens Policy Research: Accelerating Change for STEM Women Faculty of Color
Accelerating Change for Women Faculty of Color in STEM: Policy, Action, and Collaboration By Cynthia Hess, Ph.D., Barbara Gault, Ph.D., and Youngmin Yi
Did you know that Women of color are only 5.7 percent of those with STEM doctorates who are assistant, associate, or full professors at four-year colleges, universities, and affiliated centers and institutes, but they are 15 percent of the working-age population in the United States. In contrast, white men with STEM doctorates are 58 percent of assistant, associate, and full professors, but only 35 percent of the working-age population? Check out this report overview:
Accelerating Change for Women Faculty of Color in STEM: Policy, Action, and Collaboration is part of a project to address the underrepresentation of women faculty of color in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) led by the IWPR. It summarizes highlights from a convening held in May 2013 that brought together nearly 50 experts, including professors, academic administrators, and representatives of government, professional societies, the corporate sector, and women’s organizations. See more at:
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